
48 timmar


Andra videon från Fever Ray

Martin de Thurrah har regisserat videon till Fever Rays andra video från det självbetitlade debutalbumet Fever Ray.

Några dagar innan videon kom ut berättade han på den officiella sajten vad den inspirerats av:

That initial idea was something about something coming out of water – something which was about to take form – a state turning into something new. And a double headed creature not deciding which where to turn. But the idea had to take a simpler form, to let the song grow by itself. I remembered a photo I took in Croatia two years ago, a swimming pool with its shining blue color in a grey foggy autumn landscape.

Fever Ray New video coming up (2009-02-07)

Kal Ström

Publicerad: 2009-02-17 14:47 / Uppdaterad: 2009-02-17 14:47

Kategori: Video

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